The project’s design principles focus on civic presence, community connectivity, and—most importantly—student experience and wellness to create a high-performance, 21st-century learning environment.
The new building replaces an obsolete, brutalist, open-plan building, but it intentionally retained its best aspects—flexible space and ease of communication—while providing better adjacencies, daylighting, acoustics, security, and outdoor space to boost wellness and building performance, with the ultimate goal being improved educational outcomes.

The building is surrounded by green space intended to delight and educate, including a amphitheater, pollinator meadow, vegetable gardens, a living classroom, and, of course, playgrounds.
The design emphasizes outdoor recreation and connections with the natural world, known to improve student health and academic achievement. The landscape design embeds natural systems with dynamic play and learning spaces to blur the walls of the classroom. A treasured place for the community, certain school amenities are accessible after-hours and on weekends.