New York Stock Exchange: Next Generation Trading Floor

New York, NY

A modern, sleek redesign of the world’s best-known trading floor.

New York Stock Exchange Euronext wanted an environment for brokers to serve customers in multiple markets and asset classes more effectively. Perkins Eastman designed the NYSE next-generation trading floor, creating a unique workspace custom re-designed for the NYSE Euronext’s blend of high-tech, high-touch trading. Transforming the existing space, the design team used curved, translucent glass walls and new lighting to brighten the room and highlight the marble walls and original windows. The redesign replaces crowded wooden booths with modern seated workspaces, streamlines large circular desks where the designated market makers are located, and coverts electronic wallboards into high-definition, flexible-content displays.

Project Facts

  • Client:

  • New York Stock Exchange
  • Size:

  • 4,000 sq. ft.
  • Markets:

  • Workplace
  • Region:

  • United States
  • Studios:

  • New York