Harrison Tower, a prominent building in the Yorktown section of Philadelphia, benefited from renovations and repositioning of the 15-story building into new, affordable, senior-oriented housing with 116 units, amenities, and common spaces for residents to age in place. Two canopies punctuate the building’s newly secure entry points—a formal entrance from North 9th Street and an entrance by parking and accessible vehicle drop-off on the opposite end. The tower’s existing masonry was cleaned, repaired, and refreshed with new mortar. The building gained new vibrancy with the addition of a variegated-color aluminum panel system at the midsection of all four facades. The new panels reinforce the verticality of the building while complementing its sharp corners and improving the building’s climate performance. The addition of new thermal insulation, high-performance windows, LED lights, and water-saving plumbing fixtures enhance the eco-friendly design, which achieved an Enterprise Green Communities certification.