Prior to beginning graduate school, Noah started a business that distributed concrete chess tables, the same ones that are in many New York City parks. This enterprise was the beginning of a longer career journey, thinking about how to create public spaces that bring people together. Indeed, Noah’s community-led approach to urban planning shows throughout his work. He continually explores trends and services in the industry to find better and more inclusive approaches to community engagement. With a diverse background of experience in planning, design, and marketing, Noah creates plans that are substantive and accessible for all stakeholders in a community. He also has the experience to develop creative and implementable solutions so that plans don’t sit on a shelf.
Our Perkins Eastman
Noah is a leading advocate within BFJ Planning for adopting and integrating new technologies within the planning field. He has worked across disciplines with other PE studios to show the value of these emerging tools within different practice areas. Noah has also been a mentor with the PE mentorship program.