Eric Fang

Eric Fang



Eric has led large-scale mixed use, revitalization, urban redevelopment, and resiliency projects for public agencies, private developers and institutions nationally and internationally. His focus is on helping cities, communities, and landowners develop and implement strategies for sustainable and equitable growth and his work extends in scale from buildings, to districts, cities, and regions. A seasoned collaborator, Eric brings the unique ability to build consensus around complex public initiatives involving multiple disciplines. Eric is a lifelong student of the city and has published and lectured widely on urbanism, resilience, and sustainable development.

Our Perkins Eastman

Leading Perkins Eastman’s resiliency planning initiatives, Eric champions the role of strategic planning and design thinking in addressing complex challenges like climate adaptation and the place of large institutions in the city.


  • Phone:

  • +1 (212) 353-0147
  • Email:

  • Linkedin:

  • Education

  • Harvard University, M.Arch; Columbia University, B.A.
  • Associations

  • American Institute of Architects
    College of Fellows
  • American Institute of Certified Planners