On a sunny and unseasonably warm Friday afternoon in early fall, employees from Perkins Eastman’s Pittsburgh studio set their laptops aside, ventured south of the city, and picked up shovels. The group of seven, identified in the photo below, had volunteered to dedicate the rest of their workday to a singular focus: planting native tree species in the Buena Vista Heights Conservation Area, a tract of land managed by the Allegheny Land Trust in Elizabeth Township, PA.
Long given to giving back, Perkins Eastman employees have volunteered and advocated for myriad community and environmental efforts many times over throughout the firm’s 43-year history. But on this day the purpose was neutral—in terms of carbon, that is. Perkins Eastman last year achieved carbon neutrality for the first time in its firm-wide operations—a major milestone on the journey to net zero emissions. The Buena Vista Heights Conservation Area is one project within Perkins Eastman’s 2023 carbon-offset portfolio: By planting a variety of native tree species such as white oak, sugar maple, spice bush, and black cherry, Pittsburgh staff were an integral part of the firm’s strategy to connect its employees to their role in reducing carbon and, ultimately, achieving operational carbon neutrality at the firm-wide level.
Reaching carbon neutrality in firm-wide operations: Scopes 1 and 2
“Focusing first on neutralizing the firm’s operations is strategic,” says Heather Jauregui, Perkins Eastman’s director of sustainability. “The connection between our design work and how we operate is crucial.” According to the World Green Building Council, 90 percent of a company’s operating expenses typically go toward human resources. “To have the greatest impact on operating expenses, our focus starts with our people, which then translates to our work—the buildings and places we design,” she says.
The firm hired Verdis Group in 2022 to help verify our operations’ carbon impact data. This third-party organization confirmed that the total carbon we emit from our operations each year comes to 12,621 metric tons. To remove this amount of CO2 from the atmosphere, we would need to plant enough trees to cover the equivalent of more than four Central Parks in New York City! To support Perkins Eastman’s corporate sustainability efforts, each office is responsible for annually tracking and reporting the sustainability of their operations to demonstrate how they are meeting or exceeding the criteria outlined in the Sustainability Operations Manual, a document we developed in 2016.