The Qatar Rail Development project aims to leverage Qatar’s significant investment in a state-of-the-art rail network and to assist in developing the city of Doha through the implementation of robust urban developments centered around each of the rail stations. The planned national network will provide a fully integrated rail system in Qatar, while in and around Doha the network will serve both the central city and surrounding areas.These infrastructure investments, along with the series of new developments in Doha, present unique opportunities for the city to create attractive and desirable places for living, working, and recreation, while also serving as new generators for social and economic development. The newly developed neighborhoods and their immediate links to transit will bolster the growing nation, effectively promoting health and prosperity for the Qatari populace.The Umm Ghuwailina Development Site has great potential for providing a new mixed-use district for an existing real estate market, and is poised to become a prominent and visible neighborhood in the greater Doha City plan.The proposed new development in the Umm Ghuwailina district is anticipated to be more adaptive and sensitive to the changing economics of Doha, and aims to be a world-class destination in its own right, attracting a wide range of people. We aspire to provide a great opportunity for an increasingly educated technical and professional class to move to this district, helping to drive the local economy by developing retail, office, as well as art and cultural institutions, in a new sustainable community.