Finished Product
Since the project has completed, Nieminen says the experience of being inside the Skyspace is “amazingly phenomenological. You can’t really understand how it’s done, and that’s even as somebody who knows the technology behind it.”
Friends Seminary students have used Skyspace in many different ways—as a place for meditation, a venue for art and graphic-design classes, or simply a “third space” to inspire creativity outside the regular classroom. “For me,” Nieminen says, “one of the most compelling things is that it will be an enriching experience for students, faculty, and administration for years to come.” As Turrell noted in The New York Times, “art connects us with both the sacred and profane in all of us, and that this can be before young students is of great interest to me.”
Halsband is proud to have collaborated on such an important installation. “This project really is about everything an architect is about. It’s not just, ‘oh, we have this cool idea, make it happen.’ Every person on the team had a responsibility to pull it off, and without that teamwork, it never would have happened. I think each person brought their own special skills, and that’s one of the nice things about it.”